Independent Survey of US Audiologists Ranks Oticon More™ Best Overall Product

Somerset, NJ
7 July 2021

A recently released survey of US audiologists conducted by the Jefferies Group, LLC, a global investment banking firm, ranked Oticon More™ as the best product overall. Feedback from the audiologists participating in the 2021 Audiologist Survey noted that Oticon More had great reliability, high fitting satisfaction and excellent sound quality in both quiet and noisy settings. The audiologists pointed to the absence of acoustic feedback with Oticon More, even when fitting patients with very steeply sloping hearing loss. The survey report highlighted audiologist comments on “The incredible noise management and processing support for all different types of hearing losses and lifestyles with Oticon More” and a description of the hearing solution as “very user friendly and dependable.”

Oticon More is the world’s first hearing aid with an on-board Deep Neural Network (DNN). The DNN is trained on 12 million real‐life sounds to give the brain more of the information it needs to decipher the intricate details of relevant sounds. Oticon More builds on Oticon’s proven BrainHearing™ approach to deliver a full and precisely balanced sound scene that makes it easier for the brain to perform optimally. The innovative solution represents a fundamentally new approach to signal processing. By expanding the sound scene, the life-changing technology in Oticon More makes it easier for patients to enjoy, follow and engage in conversations.

The 2021 Audiologist Survey reaffirmed that leading technology is the most important driver for a hearing aid manufacturer to outperform in the independent channel. When asked to list the factors considered when choosing which manufacturer to purchase from, audiologists ranked leading technology as the most important factor.

Approximately 50 independent US audiologists participated in the 2021 Audiologist Survey. Jefferies conducted the survey in February and March, 2021.

For more information on Oticon More, visit