
Speech Rescue


Frequency lowering and high frequency hearing loss

Subtle acoustic differences in high frequency consonants such as /s/, /f/, /sh/, and /th/ are important in understanding everyday speech. When these sounds are inaudible, even with amplification, significant communication challenges can result.

To recapture this information, hearing aids with frequency lowering can recode these inaudible sounds into a frequency range where there is better hearing.


Copy and Keep — A BrainHearing™ approach to frequency lowering

Speech Rescue is a frequency composition strategy that supports the BrainHearing approach.

By copying inaudible high frequency sounds and recoding them to the audible mid frequency region, the patient’s brain now has access to this important information. In addition, Speech Rescue LX also keeps high frequency sounds, and still presents them at their natural spectral location. 

This unique approach avoids distortions that often occur with other frequency lowering strategies.


Speech Rescue LX in Oticon Opn

Speech Rescue LX in Opn hearing aids works together with OpenSound Navigator™ and Speech Guard™ LX to preserve speech details, supporting BrainHearing benefits for the user.

Because high frequency audibility is a challenge in patients with different types and degrees of hearing loss, Speech Rescue is available in all Opn solutions, for individuals ranging from mild to severe-to-profound.

Learn about Opn


Speech Rescue in Dynamo

People with severe to profound hearing loss may experience more challenges with high frequency audibility. Speech Rescue can be activated for Dynamo super power instrument users, where needed. It will give them access to more speech details for improved speech understanding, especially in challenging listening environments.

Learn about Dynamo


Speech Rescue and Speech Guard work in combination


Speech Rescue: First, the signal is rescued with precise frequency composition.

Speech Guard: Next the signal is carefully amplified with Speech Guard E – Oticon’s adaptive compression system which preserves the dynamics of the lowered signal.